Just thought I'd show you what I whipped up today for a custom...some cute button loafers in malabrigo yarn (oh so soft and scrummy), hues of deep green and blues. I just had to make a special trip to my local craft store for the buttons as nothing I had was quite right ;) any excuse will do cos I also came out of there with two knitting kits and some eyes lol. It's not my fault really............................really :P
And just because I can here is a pic of my lil bubba, he just passed the 6 month mark...where does the time go?
Do they come in adult size?
Such cute little loafers and such a super cute little guy. Before you know it he will be running up a storm!
Maliss....I can make them in adult sizes :) Would need foot measurements!
Glor - I don't want him to run it's the start of him running away from me LOL
Lol he is a sweety. They don't need to run they can crawl pretty fast. Heather (11months) escapes out the front door if anyone forgets to latch it.
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