I've been busy......I'm always busy lol
My children are thriving, my cooking and baking skills are improving everyday with each new recipe I master, my husband is off for a three day residential school (lab practicals in chemistry) - actually it will be the longest time we've ever spent apart. I will miss him!
My knitting needles have been on fire - Not much time until the colder weather starts and my children are clamoring for knitteds.
If you would ever like information on my projects please see my ravelry project page under Kristie1983
Some knits for our upcoming July baby - if bubs is a girl I'll be adding some bows to the lego inspired set.
This is Angelus's first request fulfilled - I love how the yarn pooled and spiraled all the way around the top :)

And here is a test knit for a ravelry designer - little knight newborn hat.
A lovely unisex knit - I made mine in a cotton/acrylic and merino.....machine washable and oh so soft.